Quality and Safety

Quality and safety are paramount at MHPH. A culture of quality improvement requires strong governance.

The Clinical Governance Framework of the hospital is based on an integrated approach to clinical risk management and continuous quality improvement and measures five major areas of organisational performance. These include:

  • Governance, Leadership and Culture
  • Consumer partnerships
  • Patient Safety and Quality (Risk Management)
  • Clinical Performance and Effectiveness (Clinical Practice)
  • Safe Environment for Delivery of Care (Workforce).

The Clinical Governance Framework aims to drive improvements in safety and quality with particular focus on ensuring that appropriate policies and procedures are developed and implemented, risks are identified and managed, education / training requirements are identified and monitoring of performance is undertaken. These organisational wide systems are used to support and promote partnering with consumers ensuring that patients are partners in their own care to the extent that they choose.

Quality Management System Manual

© Mildura Health Private Hospital
ABN: 13 078 202 089